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بطارية اتصالات المحطة الأساسية: لا غنى عنها لشبكات الاتصالات

بطارية اتصالات المحطة الأساسية: لا غنى عنها لشبكات الاتصالات


بطارية اتصالات المحطة الأساسية

In today's digital era, communications have become an important part of people's lives. In this huge communication network, base station telecommunications batteries play a vital role. Let us explore the base station telecommunications battery and understand its functions, principles and importance in the field of communications.


  • Base station telecommunications batteries are the heart of the base station and the key to maintaining the operation of the communication network. It provides the required power for base station equipment by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Base station batteries are usually designed as backup power sources, automatically starting in the event of a power outage or emergency, ensuring that the communication network is not affected.


The working principle of base station telecommunications batteries is very simple but very important. They usually use lead-acid batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, etc. as the main power source, converting chemical energy into electrical energy through chemical reactions to provide stable power support for base stations.


The importance of base station telecommunications batteries is self-evident. It provides stable power support for communication infrastructure and ensures the reliability and stability of communication networks. In emergency situations such as natural disasters and emergencies, the role of base station batteries becomes more prominent, providing people with important communication guarantees.


With the advent of the 5G era, communication networks have increasingly higher demands for base station batteries. The high-speed and high-density characteristics of 5G technology increase the energy consumption of base stations and impose stricter requirements on batteries. Therefore, the research and development and application of base station telecommunications batteries are particularly important.


As an important part of the communications industry, the technological progress and innovation of base station telecommunications batteries will promote the development of communications networks. We look forward to the emergence of more advanced and efficient base station battery technology to inject new vitality and power into the communications industry!


GEMBATTERY GF Series batteries are designed for telecom applications; an excellent “footprint saver” for base station applications


The deep cycle AGM telecom series is designed for telecom systems. These batteries feature front access terminals and a small footprint, making them ideal for rack systems. Likewise, these cells can help solve limited floor space and access issues.


Low self-discharge

بسبب استخدام شبكات الرصاص والكالسيوم والمواد عالية النقاء، يمكن تخزين بطاريات GEMBATTERY VRLA لفترات طويلة من الزمن دون إعادة الشحن. معدل التفريغ الذاتي أقل من 2% شهرياً عند 20 درجة مئوية. يتضاعف التفريغ الذاتي لكل 10 درجات مئوية زيادة في درجة الحرارة.


مقاومة داخلية منخفضة

يقبل معدلات شحن وتفريغ عالية جدًا.


قدرة دورة حياة عالية

أكثر من 500 دورة بعمق تفريغ 50%.


النماذج: GF12-50، GF12-60، GF12-75، GF12-100، GF12-105، GF12-110، GF12-120، GF12-150، GF12-155، GF12-180، GF12-190، GF12-200


القدرة: 12V50AH، 12V60AH، 12V75AH، 12V100AH، 12V105AH، 12V110AH، 12V120AH، 12V150AH، 12V155AH، 12V180AH، 12V190AH، 12V200AH، إلخ.


مدعوم وقوي!


الموزعين وأعمال تصنيع المعدات الأصلية هي موضع ترحيب بحرارة.

تواصل مع الشركة المصنعة لبطاريات الاتصالات الاحترافية،




واتساب: +8615959276199

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